Hi, you new to the site? Updates for Jul 2, 2018
Welcome! We've updated as much as possible to this point. We have been running a gofundme campaign to help promote 150 Miles, Rubi, and the Unexpected Race (2016) with Jack Black and Jon Heder. With to reguards to publicly mentioning a change would happen to Wolf Productions July 1, 2018, we have shutdown films not generating enough views on Youtube. We are needing to see more subscribers and traffic to here and other sites, so we can feel there is a need for more Entertainment from us. Subscribers is a start which is free, but it's difficult to live our normal lives without generating donations or funding to do more with movies. We aren't in th ebusinness for free entertainment. We've done this for a lo tof productions over the course of 20 years. Anyways, enjoy the site for what's up and get a hol dof us if there are films you'd like to purchase.